Thursday, 22 September 2011

10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates

10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates

Facebook is a major social networking site which has attracted almost all the Internet users and so much addictive that we always forget to have our snacks, finish our works etc.. So we always schedule ourselves to manage the time properly and hence finish our work completely !

We suggest => Do you know A to Z of Facebook?

The most important activity any Facebook user does is updating his/her Facebook status. In order to manage time you must also schedule yourself while using Facebook,  So placing a timer besides you and then staying on Facebook doesn’t work all the time. So I have found few online tools,applications and tricks to schedule your Facebook status update while you are busy working or sleeping.

Altogether there are 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates as shown below :



Tweetdeck Facebook Status update111 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updatesThe ultimate twitter client which is not only used to schedule tweets on your twitter profile, but also your Facebook status updates and the Fan pages which you own. Once scheduled below is the screenshot how the update looks in your Facebook profile.

Tweetdeck Facebook Status update2 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates



Hootsuite1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updatesHootsuite is a web based Twitter application, which is used to post tweets as well as Facebook status updates to your profile as well as the facebook fan pages. These updates can be scheduled easily and very quickly. Below is the screenshot of the Hootsuite application to make you understand its working.

Hootsuite schedule Facebook status updates1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates



CoTweet1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates

CoTweet is a boon for all the corporates who wish to use Twitter for successful business. This application can be used to schedule the Facebook status updates by integrating with account as shown below :

Cotweet Pingfm Integration1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates

Once the integration is complete you can easily schedule the message as shown below :

CoTweet Posting with schedule 300x154 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates

Supr Stumble1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates

This online tool powered by Stumble upon , not only shortens the URL but also syndicates the content to Twitter, Facebook and Stumble upon.The content to be posted can be easily scheduled and sent to Twitter and Facebook. This is possible only if you integrate both the Twitter and Facebook account to this online tool.After the integration you can schedule the posts with or without url to both Facebook and Twitter as shown below :

Supr Scheduling Facebook Status 300x91 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates

The only drawback in this tool is the status can have only 140 characters, As it is mainly used for twitter not Facebook. But still you can schedule your Facebook status which are very short and simple ?


Social Tomorrow

Socialtomorrow1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates

This online tool provides scheduling of both the tweets as well as Facebook status updates, but very limited.It allows only 10 messages each to be posted on your Facebook profile, Fan Pages and groups monthly. If you want to post more then you should upgrade your free plan to premium plan.Below is the screenshot to understand the working of this tool :

Socialtomorrow schedule Facebook status1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updatesThe scheduled message appears on your Facebook wall with a hash tag #Social Tomorrow as shown below :

Socialtomorrow scheduled1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates


Later Bro

LaterBro1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates

This tool schedules both the Twitter and Facebook status updates without registering for the site. You can directly sign in to your Facebook account from here and validate to schedule the status updates.After validating the Facebook account, the next step is to schedule the message as shown below :

LaterBro Scheduler1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates


l has few drawbacks :

  •   This tool is to be scheduled is to be of 140 characters long only.
  •   The messages cannot be sent to the Fan Pages or groups.




Sendible Facebook Scheduler1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updatesSendible is the ultimatum of all the tools. As shown above it allows you to schedule Facebook status, Facebook post, Facebook pages and groups with link previews.

The user interface of Sendible  is similar to any normal mail client as shown below :

Sendible User Interface1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updatesYet again this tool too has 100 messages to be sent monthly to Facebook and other Social Networks, if you want to send more messages then you need to upgrade to premium services.




SocialOomph1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updatesSocialOomph is a must use web based application which is mainly used for Twitter and allows the scheduling of Facebook status and posts only in the paid version.



Schedule Facebook Posts via email

As you all should know that Facebook status can be updated by sending emails to the mail-id given to each face book user which can be found here =>http://www.face  as shown below :

Facebook Posts via email1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updatesTech-Tip: Make sure you don’t share this mail id with anyone as it acts as a status updater to your Facebook account.

Now here is a trick, we know that by sending mail we can easily update the Facebook status, So why not schedule you email using Microsoft Outlook or Lettermelater.

Note: The subject of you email is the status which will be updated and the attachment added will be shown as the photo uploaded.

Selective Tweets Facebook Application

Selective Tweets Facebook Application1 10 ways to schedule Facebook status updates

This application allows you to add selected tweets to your Facebook profile or Fan Pages and to add any tweet to your Facebook status you must add a hashtag #FB at the end of it.


  1. Actually Facebook just released this long expected scheduling feature.

    No more need for a 3rd party application

    Facebook Brand Pages Update and Post Scheduling

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